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Web Design

We don’t sell websites TO you. We design functional and beautiful user interfaces that sell FOR you.

Web Design nuts & bolts

The best web design has both functionality and aesthetics encoded in its DNA in equal parts.

But, website design is only the beginning of the process though. Web development is the process of taking a web design and creating an engaging, intuitive and responsive application. Your website should be easy to use, easy to navigate and leave your visitors feeling satisfied.

More than web design – it’s also web development

At Black Alsatian, our web developers understand that things which work well should look good too. We use a combination of superlative web design to design good looking and easy to use user interfaces, and ground-breaking web development to create amazing user experiences and intelligent software solutions.

More importantly, we understand the difference between web design and web development. We know to combine the two skillsets to create engaging human experiences that converts.

Custom online software solutions

Website design and web development have steadily been moving into a new era. The boundaries between desktop software and websites have been blurred.

How many times have you come up against a wall with a CMS solution like WordPress, or some of these new trendy “rent only” subscription website services where the application simply cannot do what you need it to? Perhaps you employed a web designer but they don’t have the knowledge or skillset to optimise its functionality?

Maybe you need something very specialised, or custom-made or just an edge over your competitors?

If you can dream it, we’ve already built it.

  • Simple, static one page HTML website
  • WordPress, but headless
  • Customised WordPress (see our article on why WordPress is so popular with web designers)
  • E-Commerce
  • API development,
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Custom-designed and developed online software systems
  • Advanced Content Management Systems
  • Backend and frontend

With programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, CSS, HTML5 and MySQL and using web development frameworks and libraries like Laravel, Livewire, WordPress, NodeJS, ReactJS, NextJS and GatsbyJS, the online world is our oyster.

Contact us today and let’s create the web solution your brand deserves.

WhatsApp (office hours)
087 821 7172

PO Box 211126
The Fig Tree

Web Development Services

Port Elizabeth, South Africa
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